Monday, January 26, 2009

January Reading List

First Time

The Pianist - Wladysław Szpilman (Five stars and recommended. The most precious memoir I've read since Rocket Boys.)
Proof of God's Existence - Richard Wurmbrad (Four stars and recommended. The most challenging book I read this month, but a must for any Christian philosopher.)
Music, the Brain, and Ecstasy - Robert Jourdain (Three stars. It would have got four, but he overused a few horrible analogies, and that almost ruined a few chapters.)
The Screwtape Letters - C. S. Lewis (Five stars and recommended. Very thought provoking and simultaneously entertaining. How does he do it?)
The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury (Four stars and recommended. Certainly a book to make you think, not at all typical sci fi.)
So Yesterday - Scott Westerfield (Two stars. A very engaging book, unique writing style - the constant dodging of copyrights was hilarious. Yet, it struck me as pretty shallow overall... nothing too emotional or deep.)


The Queen of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner (Five stars and recommended. No words can express how much I admire M. W. Turner... she never fails to take my breath away.)
Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer (Three stars. Slightly better the second time around, but still disappointing. I do like the Jasper Fear Factor... heh.)
A Walk To Remember - Nicholas Sparks (Four stars. The ending still strikes me as really rushed. Nonetheless an emotional read.)
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (Five stars and recommended. Pip has got to be one of my favorite of Dicken's creations...)


Lenya said...

Oh, I love The Martian Chronicles! And anything else by Bradbury, actually. He's probably my favorite sci-fi author, and one of my all-time favorites.

Star said...

I really ought to finish The Screwtape Letters...
I started it and got distracted. Like most things I do around here...

A Walk to Remember was a very good book. Something neat about Nicolas Sparks is, some of the books he writes are set in areas I am somewhat familiar with.
Great Expectations is amazing as well. Charles Dickens is an absolutely magnificent author.